Monday, September 10, 2007

9-10 Gotcha Day

Well it is official or at least in regards to possession it is, we have a daughter. Her complete name is Madilyn Olivia Han Whitener, we will call her Olivia.

We started out with B’fest with Thomas, went back to the room and prepared some documents and rested for the 3:oo meet and greet!

Our driver picked us up in front of the hotel and once again we took our fragile lives into the dangers of the Wuhan travel. Amazingly enough we made it to the government affairs building without a drop of blood or ding in the fenders. We made our way into the building as we climb the staircase to the second level we could hear babies crying – that is when it hit us. Chris and I both were able to contain our emotions and we kept on climbing to the top. Once at the top of the semi circular staircase we saw two ladies and a baby. Not sure if it was our baby, Thomas asked which foster home and it was confirmed it was Olivia. Then the emotions were fully out of control. We could not approach her yet as the officials have not given permission to do so. As we made our way to the room we watched Olivia fade away around the corner, oblivious to what was about to happen.

Once in the room, we met two other couples. One we had already met as they are in the same hotel. They are from Baltimore and have adopted little 4 year old girl with underdeveloped legs, her name is Amelia. She is very pretty, I will post a picture or her as well. She is not able to walk as both of her legs are not functioning from below her knees. The family lives close to John Hopkins and believes surgery may help correct some of the deformities. They have two other daughters adopted from China, both of them were special needs as well, Mary and Lucy.

After sitting in the room for what seemed hours while the official finished with the 3rd couple which was adopting a little boy. Then to conserve time they combine Olivia and Amelia’s placement proceedings, which by the way only resulted in a couple of signatures. We did get to spend a lot of time with Ms. Li the Orphanage Director. She gave us so much information. Afterwards we had to go by a market to get some formula Ms. Li recommended. That was an event. Everyone was looking as I was carrying Ms. Olivia, I am sure they were curious as to why this guy had this tiny baby. Luckily, Olivia was not crying as she had not cried or made a sound up to this point. We made our way through the market with Thomas leading the way. People would come up and ask if it was my baby and I would say “yes – I am ba ba”. They would smile and then move on. Some of the older would come up and say “lucky baby”.

All was good until we discovered Christy had to go back in the store to get a curling iron, seems the one she brought did not agree with the 220 volt system they have her in China. Keep in mind this market had 4 floors; food is at the top and curling irons on 3. I stood outside in the lobby on 3 while Chris and Thomas went in for the iron. There I took my position at the top of one escalator and the entrance of another – hundreds of people walking by pointing and talking about me an Olivia. It may have been because of the death grip I had on her or the fact she really does not look a lot like me. Nonetheless, everyone was very nice and just smiled and made there way onto what they were there to do.

Then to the hotel, change clothes and wet diaper – that is when we discovered Ms. Olivia has a voice. She also has two bottom teeth; we noticed them when she was screaming at the top of her lungs. When we do something she does not like or she does not want to do, she will shake her head in a NO movement. It is pretty cute. More later….


Steve, Wendy and Clair said...

Marty and Christy, we are so excited for you! The pictures are wonderful and Ms. Olivia is beautiful! You are very blessed.

Keep posting...

Steve and Jan said...

Congratulations! Brings tears to my eyes to finally see you with your daughter. She is just beautiful!

Please tell Thomas the Merrimans said "hello". He was our guide when we adopted Tess and we hope he will Steve's guide when he goes to get our son in Chengdu. Tell him Olivia still talks about "Mr. Thomas" in China.


Mike and Rhonda said...

OK....I am in tears! She is just beautiful. I love seeing her with both of you. Marty, she looks tiny when you are holding her, plus you look like you are already in love. Christy, you look like you are going to be a great mom. Cannot wait to see you guys. Take care!


Harpst said...

Christy & Marty, I am looking at precious Olivia's pictures through tears right now, and the memories are flooding through me. I cannot tell you how happy I am for you and mostly for Olivia. You have just received the most precious blessing and gift from God, and your lives will never be the same. My prayers are with you all for a wonderful time of bonding and for precious Olivia to transition easily into your lives, because we all know she has been in your hearts for so, so long. Your journey has just NOW really begun and you will love every minute.

Take care and keep posting those pics.

Anna Harpst

Unknown said...

Congratulations and we can hardly wait to meet Ms. Olivia. We can hardly wait to meet and welcome Olivia to the fold. Erika and I can hardly wait until your home and settled so we can also meet Ms. olivia.

Tears of joy flow today as you are both now parents and a dream for Chrissy has now been met. I feel Marie looking down at her grandbaby smiling brightly as she will watch over your family. Maries smile seems almost surreal as I imagine ot would be. God bless you all and I know you will forever look at life differently since you are the parent. Those "death grips" will continue for quite awhile. =)

The Blaszczynski Family said...

Congratulations! We are soooooo happy for you guys, it makes me cry to see that sweet face in your arms, FINALLY, after this long wait. We've loved following your postings.
Amanda Blaszczynski